Meet the set man

Rev. Raymond John-Jack

Rev. Raymond Ugwem John-Jack, the set man and the senior pastor of Destiny Household Christian Centre received this vision from God in 1998 while in the All Nations For Christ Bible Institute International in Benin City Nigeria. This coincidentally happened to be when the late Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa went home to be with the LORD. Shortly before he was called home, the Arch Bishop released grace on him and the vision being confirmed by different people of repute, became a pursuit from June 2001.

Destiny Household also known as Destiny Empowerment Centre is an apostolic divine mandate from God, with a church base in the garden city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Through this ministry lives have been inspired, potentials have been unlocked; destinies have been ignited and activated with testimonies of changed lives attesting to the validity of the vision.